Policies and Procedures



The best way to get the most accurate and reliable information is to consult the homepage of the board’s website  www.swlauriersb.qc.ca, our Facebook page www.facebook.com/swlsb or to call the Administrative Centre line at 450-621-5600 or 1-866-621-5600.




Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner toward their peers, their surroundings and all adults working in the building.  This includes (and is not limited to) the use of vulgar language, aggressive body language and dangerous behavior. Major and minor offences can and will result in a referral to the school administration.  Consequences may include a parental conference, detentions, student suspension or expulsion. 


We strongly encourage all students to be good digital citizens.

“Phone” refers to personal cell phones and any connected accessories, including but not limited to: wireless headphones, connected smart watches, smart glasses, etc.

  • Phones in school must be turned off, and remain off at all times.
  • Cell phone should remain in your locker.
  • If a phone is on your person, it needs to be out of sight.
  • Phones can only be turned on OUTSIDE during RECESS and LUNCH.
  • Audio recording and/or filming and/or taking pictures of others is not permitted within the entire school premises at all times.
  • Phones need to be turned off at the end of recess and lunch before entering the school building.
  • In exceptional circumstances, you may be given permission to use your phone outside the designated times and areas by a person in authority (staff member, teacher, or administrator).

Students who fail to adhere to the policy will be subject to the following:

  • First and second offence: the parent will be advised, the phone will be confiscated and the student will need to pick it up from the office at the end of the day
  • Third offence: the phone will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will need to pick it up at school.
  • Repeat offenders: escalated measures will be taken.

Laval Junior Academy is NOT responsible for the loss or theft of personal belongings. 


Electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, hand-held video games, headphones, ear pods, etc.) are ONLY permitted during RECESS and LUNCH TIME and ONLY OUTDOORS. The may not be used anywhere in the building at any time. Should a student be found with any electronic device during a class test, quiz, or formal examination, the student's paper will be confiscated and the examination will be nullified.

Any confiscated electronic devices will be returned at a later time, and may require parental/guardian pick-up.


Students are expected to arrive at school on time.  In the event of a late arrival, students must sign in with the reception secretary at the general office. Late arrivals will be entered into the student's file. In the event of excessive late arrivals, the administration will contact the parents/guardian. All unjustified late arrivals will result in detention by administration.



Parents must notify the school if their child is absent. When a student has been absent from school for any reason, notification can be done via the Mozaik Parent Portal, by telephone (450-680-3044, press 1) or by email at LJAstudentabsence@swlauriersb.qc.ca . Please ONLY CHOOSE ONE of these options. Excessive absences for no valid reason may jeopardize a student being allowed to complete a school year or have underirable academic consequences.



In the event of an illness, a personal family matter or an appointment, all students must sign out of school with the reception secretary at the general office. Notification can be done via the Mozaik Parent Portal, a phone call (450-680-3044 ext. 8827) or an email at LJAstudentabsence@swlauriersb.qc.ca  Notification is essential before any sign-out can be authorized. Again, please ONLY CHOOSE ONE of these options to notify us. If your child will be late, they will be justified absent the whole day until they sign in. If you're unsure your child will be late, please DO NOT enter it in the Mozaik Parent Portal as your child can contact us to let us know.



Students must be present for all examinations. Only the following reasons for absence will be accepted:

  • Sickness (medical certificate required).
  • Court appearance (a subpoena, or probation).
  • Participation in a school sponsored event



Parents who foresee a vacation during the year should utilize the weeks of vacation outlined in the school calendar. If you must go away during school days, it is required that you inform the general office and your child's teachers about your child's extended absence. Please take special note of the EXAM PERIODS when they are announced.. Students will still be responsible for school work and new materials covered during their absence.



School personnel may NOT give medication of any kind (including aspirin) to students without written authorization from a physican and paent. In special circumstances, it is advisable to contact the school admnistration to explain exactly what is required.



Students are advised not to bring large sums of money or expensive items to school. Students are responisble for the safekeeping of their own valuables. THE SCHOOL CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR VALUABLES OR MONEY THAT IS LOST OR STOLEN.



Field trips will be organized from time to time as a way of supplementing or complementing the curriculum for students in good behavioral standing. Field trips are usually self-financed and each participating student is asked to pay their share. For any authorized trip and activity sponsored by the school, the parent/guardian must sign a permission slip. The school provides all pertinent information, fees, details of departure/arrival times, etc. THE SCHOOL CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR VALUABLES OR MONEY THAT IS LOST OR STOLEN DURING FIELD TRIPS.



Eligibility for students to participate in extra-curricular activities and outings:

  • Students must be in good behavioral standing
  • Any student who has been suspended or has met the administration for disciplinary purposes may not be eligible for the next scheduled school activity (school dances, school field trips). The administration reserves the right to refuse any student to participate in school activities.
  • There is a substantial cost related to school activities. Parents/guardians are encouraged to pay their child's school fees prior to the activity, so that the school may continue to provide such activities.



In order to assist the school in providing a safe environment, students out of class are required to have a hall pass given by their teacher. Students out of class without proper authroization will be returned to class, and may receive a detention.



Since students work in many rooms, books, physical education gear and personal belongings are kept in their lockers. These lockers are for the protection of the students’ possessions. Lockers may be checked for cleanliness, unauthorized personal property and other contraband. The following rules should be remembered:

  • A combination lock will be loaned to students. The school is not responsible for items lost, damaged or stolen. 
  • Locker and lock combinations will be registered for each student.
  • Your locker combination must not be given to any other student.
  • Do not open another student’s locker.
  • You must keep your assigned locker. Lockers may not be switched nor traded.
  • If the school lock is lost, stolen or damaged, the students will be responsible for the replacement cost.
  • Students must bring a personal lock for gym lockers.
  • Before leaving a locker, check to see that it is tightly closed and locked.
  • If you cannot open your locker, see a student puervisor. If your physical education locker will not open, see your physical education teacher.
  • All outdoor attire (school bags, jackets, boots, etc.) must be left in the locker. They are not to be brought to class.
  • Your cell phone should be in your locker during class time.

** The administration reserves the right to verify any student’s locker, bags or personal items in order to gather information or confiscate illegal items or substances when they believe there is sufficient cause.



Consumption of food is only permitted in certain areas of the school: Cafetiera, Block C (for snacks), or outside.



Environmentl sustainability is critical to support the ability of future generations to meet their own needs with the resources available to them. We support Environment Sustainability initiatives. One of these initiatives is the reduction of single-use containers. Students are encouraged to use reusable water bottles which are refillable at multiple filling stations within the school. The cafeteria uses compostable plates and utensils as a means to elminate single-use plastics.



Bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, Segqays, and hover boards are not permitted on school grounds, and are not allowed in the building.




Fire Drill

A fire drill is a practiced procedure.Here are the main rules:

  • Students must evacuate the building under the direction of the staff as quickly and quietly as possible.
  • Each classroom has a posted ''exit direction'' sign. Follow this direction.
  • The first students arriving at an exit door will remain and keep the door open.
  • Students must stay with their class and observe the ''no talking'' rule in force during the evacuation.
  • Once outside, students are to move away from the building and remain in class groups as attendance will be taken and reported.
  • Students are to assemble in the parent parking lot.


Emergency Closure

In the event of an emergency closure, such as a power failure, all students are to remain in the classroom/teaching area in which they are located.  Students in totally blacked out areas will be directed by their teachers to the nearest suitable area. Parents will be notified and urged to make the necessary arrangements to deal with such emergencies.


Lock Down

In the event of a lockdown, all students will remain in their classroom and out of lines of sight. This is a practiced procedure. Every classroom is equipped with a set of instructions as well as necessary materials for all emergency prodecures.


Fire drills and lockdowns will be practiced during the school year.





Laval Junior Academy's evaluation process is consistent with the Québec Education Program. Our goal is to promote the success of all students.  

Laval Junior Academy applies a range of appropriate evaluation methods emphasizing the development of competencies. Evaluation is integrated into the educational activities and fosters the full development of students.

In the first cycle of high school, Secondary 1 and 2, students are evaluated on an on-going basis during the two-year cycle. Students who are not succeeding by the end of the first year in the core subjects may be asked to attend summer school to help bridge any gaps between the two years of the cycle, as well as at the end of the cycle. Summer school cannot be used to pass a course or for promotion. At the end of the cycle, teachers nad administrators make recommendations for each student's placement in cycle 2 of high school

  • Remediation is available to all students. Remediation hours will be posted in each classroom by the end of September.
  • It is the student's responisbility to make up a missed class test or evaluation. Failure to do so may result in consequences issued by the teacher.
  • Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.



The main focus for all partners in education will be the proper use of the School Agenda. This educational tool will be used in many ways.

  • All students will be required to have an agenda and to carry it with them at all times (except lunch and recess).
  • Students will write all homework in their agendas.
  • Students will pay to replace agendas that have been defaced, damaged, or lost.



  • In September, all students are provided with textbooks and certain supplies for courses.
  • Should a student require a second issue, or should the original not be returned, the student will be charged the price of replacement.
  • All textbooks are to be returned in June, or before the day of the exam. Failure to return the textbooks will result in additional costs added to the student's account.
  • If a student departs from school during the year, the textbooks and class novels must be returned to the school.



Students will be provided the workbooks required for their courses. Students will pay for workbooks that have been defaced, damaged, or lost.



Laval Junior Academy's homework policy is designed as a framework for learning beyond the classroom. It is also a way to assist students in their goals in becoming independent, life-long learners.

It is the goal of LJA's teaching staff that students recognize homework assignments as an important extension of their classroom learning, as well as an opportunity to review and practice previously taugh concepts and skills. Homework needs to be a part of every student's daily routine. Time spent on homework will vary based on several factors including the learning needs of the individual student. Daily reading is the most important prt of a homework task. Reading independently, or recreationally, is crucial to a child's academic success.


  • Teachers are responsible for teaching the necesary skills for successful homework completion, such as organizing materials, time, use of student agedna and the prompt feedback/review of homework tasks.
  • Teachers will monitor the quality and content of the student's completed work on an on-going basis as part of the Formative Assessment process, providing constructive feedbakc to students.
  • Teachers will communicate homework information with parents when necessary. However, it is the student's responsibility to write their homework in their school agenda.


  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they understnad the task, requesting help when needed, completing the homework to the best of their ability, and appropriately managing their time and materials.
  • Students are responsible to be on time for class.
  • Students are expected to use class time efficiently at all grade levels. Each student is responsible for completeing homework to the besst of their ability.
  • Students are to kep a daily record of homework assignments with the regular use of the school agenda.
  • Students should review the work and the notes for each day and practice what they have learned.
  • Students should apply time management skills when planning for the completion of short-term and long0term assignments and in studying for tests.
  • Students should ask for assistance from the teacher or a parent/guardian when needed.
  • Students can expect an appropriate consequence at the classroom level for incomplete homework assignments.
  • Students who do not complete homework on a frequent basis may face more seriousl consequences.


  • Parents are responsible for providing an appropriate environment for the child, monitoring their homework, signing the agenda, and communicating with teachers.
  • Parents need to encourage their child to be independent learners by supervising the completion of homework with minimal but appropriate input, where needed.





The Student Services Department is composed of a team of professionals inclouding guidance counselors, social workers, and an educational psychologist. These professionals are ready, willing and able to assist students and their families with a wide variet of concerns. Students and thei familes are encouraged to consult this team regarding :education planning, health issues and concerns, interpersonal conflict, and ecternal support services.



When a student’s behaviour is such that it is creating a distraction in class to the point where it interferes with a teacher’s lesson and prevents others from receiving the benefits of the learning environment OR a student has not lived up to the outlined behavioural expectations, that student may be asked to report to the Student Support Centre (SSC).  While in the SSC, students will complete work in isolation from others and review the circumstances that led to them being there with the goal of learning possible alternative behaviours so as to avoid future visits.

Students may complete a reflection sheet and may be required to attend a scheduled meeting with their teacher and administration prior to resuming regular daily activities.

It is important to note that any student required to be in Student Support Centre during the course of a school day will not participate in any extra-curricular activities that day or attend a school function that evening. Students are referred to the Student Support Centre by administration and sometimes upon the request of teachers to administration.



The cafeteria is open in the morning before class, at recess time and during lunch. Meal Cards are available for the lunchtime period.  They offer a reduced cost per meal and ensure a well-balanced lunch.  Moreover, with a meal card, students do not have to carry money. A complete yearly menu is available and distributed in the student information package during the first week of school and is posted on our website. For more information, please contact the Cafeteria Services at (450) 680-3044 ext: 8865.

Students are responsible to pick up after themselves. Littering and rude behaviour in the cafeteria will not be tolerated.


The term ‘energy drink’ is commonly used to refer to packaged beverages containing naturally occurring and/or added caffeine, added sugar and other sweeteners, herbal stimulants such as guarana, and flavoured ingredients.  Although other types of beverages have similar features, “energy drinks” are regulated by Health Canada as caffeinated energy drinks (CED) and are distinct from other products sold in Canada such as caffeinated soft drinks, “energy shots”, and sports drinks.  These particular beverages are not recommended to be consumed by children and, therefore, are banned at Laval Junior Academy.  Students are not permitted to drink these types of beverages on school property.



The Lost & Found are is located in the office by Block C. Any found item should be given to the student supervisor. Articles left unclaimed over three months will be given to a worthy cause on behalf of the student body.

Found textbooks should be returned to the library.                                                  



Student Council organizes activities and oversees the Games Room.  Student Council is comprised of active, outgoing and motivated students from both Sec. 1 and Sec. 2.  An interview process will be held at the end of September to recruit the members for the entire school year.  To be on and to remain on Student Council, a student must be in good standing (academics and behaviour).



Supervision of students begins at 8:00 a.m.  Therefore, students are asked not to be in school prior to 8:00 a.m.  At lunchtime, students must stay within the areas of adult supervision.

During school hours, NO STUDENTS ARE PERMITTED TO LEAVE the SCHOOL GROUNDS (including lunchtime).



Students are transported to school by Laval Transit buses.

Parents must purchase a monthly STL student pass (OPUS card). A percentage of the cost of the pass will be reimbursed by the school board in January. 

To contact Laval Transit:

(450) 688-6520 or www.stl.laval.qc.ca

Bus rules:

  • Students are required to have their student pass.
  • Students are expected to behave properly and respect their peers and surroundings. Should undesirable behavior occur, students and parents will be advised. 
  • Serious infractions will lead to suspension of transportation privileges.



Students must use the Block C south side entrance at all times.

For the SAFETY of our students, please use the SOUTH SIDE OF BLOCK C (opposite side of buses) for pick-ups or drop- offs. The bus zone must always remain clear of any vehicles in order to ensure the safety of the students. ANY vehicles that are double-parked around the building will be ticketed by the Laval Police.

All visitors must use the front entrance (on Daniel Johnson blvd.) to enter the building and must identify themselves clearly at the administration office. Teachers and staff will question all juvenile and adult strangers. Former students should make arrangements through the main office to visit teachers after school hours.  This measure is for the safety of all students and staff. 




Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.


  • Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically
  • Spreading bad rumous about people
  • Keeping certain people out of a "group"
  • Teasing people in a mean way
  • Getting certain people to "gang up" on others

Bullying can also happen online or electronically. Cyber-bullying is when children or teens bully each other using the internet, mobile phones, or other cyber-technology. This can include:

  • Sending mean text, email or instant messages
  • Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on websites
  • Using someone else's user name to spread rumours or lies about someone



Bullying runs contrary to the values of the Laval Junior Academy community. All constituents believe that every student has a right to attend school without being demeaned or physically abused. Parents, students and staff will do their utmost to protect and ensure the dignity of students. We also understand that the only effective deterrent to bullying is education aimed at the bully, the bullied and the bystander. The bully must also accept responsibility for their actions with the full understanding that such contempt for the dignity of other carries swift consequences.



Our goal is to prevent and stop all forms of bullying and violence targeting a student, a teacher or any other school staff member.  We want to provide a healthy and secure learning environment that allows students to develop their full potential, free from any form of bullying or violence.

Our school’s ABAV Plan is reviewed annually and posted on our website.

As a student, should you be the witness or the victim of an act of bullying or violence, know that you should always seek help and support from a staff member or an adult whom you trust. 

Our ABAV plan can be found HERE






Students are entitled to:

  • A meaningful eduction
  • A challenging and positive learning environment
  • Freedom from physical and verbal harassment.
  • Be disciplined in a respectful and humane way.
  • A safe and healthy environment.



Students must:

  • Respect students and adults in the building.
  • Respect the rights of others.
  • Respect school property.
  • Know and follow the school rules.
  • Be courteous, punctual, and cooperative.
  • Not disrupt the educational progress of others.
  • Be responsible for making up missed work.
  • Strive for their personal best.
  • Use the agenda to organize their work and study.
  • Not share their locker combination or passwords.



Students are expected to:

  • Be respectful.
  • Be on time.
  • Be prepared with books and materials.
  • Do the work expected of them.
  • Follow the rules specified by the teacher.
  • Have their agenda in class.



  • Teacher measures
  • Parent conferences
  • Administrative detentions
  • Suspensions
  • Expulsion



  • Becoming involved in and supportive of their child’s learning progress.
  • Remaining informed of school policies, procedures and expectations.
  • Monitoring evaluation results, praising good performance, and encouraging extra effort when necessary.
  • Assisting their child in realistic goals and expectations.
  • Providing the school with information and perspectives that may aid in the child’s progress.
  • Contacting the school and participating in parent-teacher meetings and student-led conferences.  
  • Reading communications sent by the school (administration, staff) via e-mail.


Major and minor offences can and will result in a referral to the school administration.  Consequences may include a parental conference, detentions, student suspension or expulsion.  Parents will be notified of after-school detentions and / or student removal.



A detention may be assigned to students during lunch hour or after school by the administration, or an individual teacher.  Parents will be notified the day before the after school detention takes place. After school detentions will be daily from 3:00pm until 4:00pm  Any student who misses his/her detention will receive further consequences.



In general, students have a normal desire to be successful, well-liked and to conduct themselves in a proper manner.  There are exceptions when a student is so disruptive that it affects educational opportunities of fellow students. When all efforts fail to reach such a student, a student may be removed from school.

Removal in itself may not solve the problem, but it does give time for reflection and planning for a new approach to the problem. The following is the procedure for handling a student removal from school.

An administrator may suspend pupils for various infractions and misdemeanours for periods of one to five days. For each removal, parents will be notified. The administrator may require the parent or guardian to return with the pupil before re-admittance after a removal. Furthermore, the student may lose the privilege of participating in scheduled activities until further notice.



  • Disruption of school activities and/or willful defiance of school authorities.
  • Causing or attempting to cause damage to property or stealing.
  • Fighting or threatening to cause physical injury to another person.
  • Possession of weapons, knives, explosives or other dangerous objects at school or at any school activity: Police will be contacted.  The confiscated items will be given to the police.  The names of the individual students involved will also be given to the police.
  • Possession of, use of, sale of, or being under the influence of any controlled substance (drugs or alcohol).
  • Possession or use of tobacco and vaping products on school premises.
  • Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  • Physical, mental or sexual harassment.
  • Leaving school premises without permission.
  • Swearing at a teacher, staff member or administrator.
  • Chronic misbehaviour or disruption.



Any student who possesses, furnishes, uses, transports or sells controlled substances at any school-connected function will be immediately suspended and notification to the police department will be made. The administration reserves the right to verify any student’s locker, bags or personal items in order to gather information or confiscate illegal items or substances when it believes there is sufficient cause.