School Fees
If you wish to pay your school fees in person, Laval Junior Academy accepts cash, debit, or credit. Please contact the school secretary at 450-680-3044 ext. 8815
Online Payment Information
The Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board is pleased to announce that it will now be possible for you to pay certain school fees online with most major banks.
Your invoice and statement of account will include an individual reference number just under the summary of amounts to pay. The reference number consists of 19 numeric and alphanumeric digits beginning with the letters ES188 for LJA (every school has a different number. If you are coming from an elementary school, please make sure to change the payee number at the bank for the LJA number on your statement of accounts). Each parent will be given a unique reference number and must use this number when paying online in order to have the payment applied correctly.
For more information, please click HERE